Hi! Welcome to my website. It contains mostly blog posts. The three most recent blog posts are listed below. Some more info about me is contained in the appropriately named About me page.
Most recent posts
On fear (2025-01-22)
I’m afraid, and I don’t know what to do about it.
My favourite albums of 2023 (2024-01-04)
Like in 2022, I listened to a lot of new music in 2023. This is a list of some of my favourite albums from last year. It’s in alphabetical order, because actually ranking albums is very hard when they’re very different styles. I tried to write something about each album, but mostly it’s just that I like the music.
Introducing NanoLedger, an Android app for recording PTA transactions on the fly (2023-11-03)
In September 2023, I wrote an Android app so I can easily add transactions to my plain text accounting ledger file while on the go. It was recently published on F-Droid, so I thought, why not write a blog post about it. I will go over why I made it, some light technical details, and plans I have for it in the future.